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Classic Cars, Richard Nichols, large format color illustrated, covers major marques. (34_Clas_Nichol)
$12.95 |
Chrome Colossus, General Motors and Its Times - Ed Cray (used, first ed., v. good condition) (45_70134936)
$28.95 |
The Greatest Cars by Ralph Stein, large format hardcover illustrated history of great cars and marques including Alfa Romeo Duesenberg Bugatti Ferrari Hipsano-Suiza Maserati Rolls Royce among others 240 pages (45_GreatestCars)
$19.95 |
Ford - the Men & the Machine, 778 pg. history of Ford by Robert Lacey (out of print) (45_Z_316511668)
$28.95 |
20-90 Truck & Van Ultimate Spotters Guide by Tad Burness: 400 pages detailing the appearance of all models (55_132935B)
$49.95 |
The Modern Diesel Development and Design - Editor - DSD Williams (72_ModernDiesel)
$24.95 |
Peter Egan Side Glances The Best from America's Most Popular Automotive Writer over 100 articles originaly published in Road & Track Magazine compiled into 160 hardbound page book 2002-2005 (75_A_PERT)
$24.95 |
85 Art Center College of Design school catalog (85_ArtCtrCtlg)
$7.95 |
73-74 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #18 containing Sept 73 through Aug 74 (735_Vet_Vint_18)
$29.95 |
Dashboards by David Holland. Panoramic interior views from some of the greatest 20th Century autos. Hard cover, color (37_ClassInterDa)
$49.95 |
74-75 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #19 containing Sept 74 through Aug 75 (745_Vet_Vint_19)
$29.95 |
First 75 Years of Transportation Products, Published by Automobile Quarterly for GM's 75th anniversary (75YRGM_AQ)
$29.95 |
75 Years of Inspiration, Imagination and Innovation, published by GM on the 75th anniversay of GM R & D (75YRGM_RD)
$29.95 |
The Designers - Great Automobiles and the Men Who Made Them by L J K Setright (76_TheDesigners)
$29.95 |
Classic Cars by Roger Hicks; Illustrated history of great marques including Porsche, Ferrari, Cadillac & Rolls Royce (87_Hicks)
$29.95 |
Unauthorized Guide to Snap on Collectibles 1920-1998 by C. Schloss 176 pages A Schiffer Book for Collectors (49_SnaponCollec)
$109.95 |
Rule Britannia when British Sports Cars Saved a Nation by J. Nikas Hardcover 304 pgs (65_Rule_Britann)
$199.95 |
Troy Model Club Series on Commercial Vehicles collector models book by Cecil Gibson 62 pgs. (40_CommercialVe)
$7.95 |
Million Dollar Automobiles: A Connoisseur's Collection of Rare & Expensive Cars by David Burgess-Wise 240 hardbound pages (40_MillionDolla)
$24.95 |
Il Radiatore nel Tempo - Radiators throughout the Years - in French with english translation insert (40_RadiatoreNel)
$38.95 |
William Fisk Harrah: The Life & Times of A Gambling Magnate by Leon Mandel 223 hardbound pages with B&W photos (40_WilliamHarra)
$19.95 |
The Car & Its Wheels a Guide to Modern Suspension Systems By J. Norbye (65_CarWheels)
$24.95 |
La Frizione nel Tempo - clutches through the years - in French, with english translation insert (70_LaFrizioneNe)
$38.95 |
The Legendary Custom Cars And Hot Rods Of Gene Winfield (60_Winfield)
$299.95 |
Sports Cars, History and Development; by GN Georgano; 240 pg illustrated (42_Hist)
$29.95 |
James Garner's Motoring Life 160 pages Hardcover by M. Stone (98_RM615U1_U2)
$34.95 |
Carrozzeria Motto coachbuilder 131 pages hardcover by Sannia (59788896796535)
$99.95 |
Extraordinary Automobilies by Peter Vann & Gerald Asaria Special intrest cars from Artz to Vector 1985 221 pages color photos pub by MBI (85_Extraordinar)
$39.95 |
The World's Worst Cars, Timothy Jacobs, Well illustrated large format covering cars with dubious reputations. (44_Worst)
$19.95 |
Inside 100 Great Cars by David Hodges with cut-away drawings and fold outs (88_InsideCars)
$34.95 |
Veteran & Vintage Cars by P Roberts 128 page hard cover history (40_VetRoberts)
$19.95 |
Power Behind the Wheel - Creativity and the Evolution of the Automobile by Walter J Boyne (88_PowerBehindW)
$29.95 |
The Automobile; Horseless Carriages to Cars of the Future, Gary Reyes; large format; 140 pages color illustrated (20_ReyesHC2Cars)
$24.95 |
Index 21-25 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 21-25 hardcover 103 pgs (52_Index_21_25)
$29.95 |
MG's Abingdon Factory by Brian Moylan A pictoral study of those who come to build motor cars 160 photos 96 pages (65_145980AE)
$39.95 |
The Motor Car in Art - Selections from the Raymond E. Holland Automotive Art Collection - by John J Zolomij - Photography by Bradley A. Schaeffer Design by Michael Pardo. (90_MotorCarArt)
$69.95 |
Car illustrated guide to how cars work, Richard Sutton. Well illustrated encyclopedia format. (90_Sutton)
$29.95 |
Kleinwagen - Small Cars - Petites Voitures by Von Mende H-U and Dietz M (94_Kleinwagen)
$19.95 |
Sportsmanlike Driving by the American Automobile Association published 1955 480 hardcover pages (50_Sportsmanlik)
$14.95 |
L'automobile de la penurie - by J A Gregoire in French (50_Penurie)
$149.95 |
Collectors History of the Automobile by P Roberts 320 page hard cover history (30_CollAuto)
$19.95 |
Old Cars Questions & Answers ed by John Gunnell Auto triva book from Old Car Weekly published by Krause Pub 1993 208 pgs (93_OldCarsQandA)
$24.95 |
Convertibles - Americas Dazzling Drop Tops by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide (93_Convertibles)
$24.95 |
Road Trips Head Trips and other Car Crazed Writings - Intro by P J ORourke - a collection of short stories edited by Jean Lindamood (96_RoadHeadTrip)
$24.95 |
Pictoral History of the Automobile by Graham Robson (50_PicHisAutRob)
$18.95 |
Convertibles history and Evolution of Dream Car by G. Guzzardi (709781845847876)
$29.95 |
Automobile Design Techniques & Design Modeling by Fredrick E Hoadley Hardcover 323 pages (49_DesignTechn)
$249.95 |
Great Cars of the 40's full-color profiles of 25 all-time Detroit Favorites! Cadillac Chevy Chrysler T&Cs Ford LaSalle Packard Tucker Willys Jeep and more! by The Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 80 full color pgs. (45_GreatCars)
$49.95 |
1896-1996 America on Wheels - The First 100 Years by Frank Coffey and Joseph Layden (46_AmericaOnWhe)
$59.95 |
100 Years of the Automobile by Motor Trend Collector's Edition (50_100_Yr_Auto)
$12.95 |